First of all: Thank you very much for sailing with us!
But before we weigh anchor to 2025, we would like to summarise 2024 from CSC point of view.
The Year of the Platform
In 2024 we introduced a B2B platform that we believe will set a new standard for matching games and publishers in the future. It is already being used by many publishers, and we have showcased nearly 50 games through it.
Did you try it? Let us know your opinion!
Business Successes
In 2024, we achieved several business successes, including securing financing and/or publishing deals for multiple game studios and projects. The most recent is Tempest Rising!
Additionally, we provided internal consultations for publishers and investors, assisted in building portfolios for newly established publishing houses, and organized Game Pitch Arenas at various festivals.
Stable Core Team
Last year CSC stabilized our core team, which now operates very effectively, thanks to the platform and strong team chemistry.
Supporting the Industry
Beyond business activities, we continue to focus on supporting the segment as a whole. This includes delivering data-driven insights on market trends through conference presentations, guiding students in shaping their projects, and collaborating with schools etc.
Biggest Local Achievement
We operate worldwide but our greatest local success is lobbying for public support of the gaming sector in the Czech Republic. It was a long process involving many visits to the local House of Parliament and negotiating with top politicians.
Even if we get lost in the wild seas (of gaming… or life), that will be something current and future generations will benefit from!
Have a great 2025, let's sail together, where the bounty awaits us!!
Best regards
Vlad & CSC Team