Approximately 70 meetings later, we were spat out from Koelnmesse in a state close to total
exhaustion but with a big tired smile on our faces.
It was a great show, and many thanks to the organizers for another brilliant Gamescom
(although sometimes we still struggle with the map!).
70+ meetings, parties, share a lot of ideas, trends... coffees and beers...
Which brings us to the ultimate question: Which kind of beer is more significant for Czechia?
We still think lager, but IPA from Nachmelená Opice (Drunken Monkey would be a proper
translation) works on our Czechia booth all the time! (Based on your reactions)
And absolutely gargantuan thank you to anyone who found a timeslot to visit us!
So once again: Danke!
P.S. The story about how we were almost robbed at the borders – well… we’ll tell you over
the next beer with us.