If you're around, make sure to catch us up at Game Developers Session, the oldest Central European conference! This Friday and Saturday are all about games!
What to expect?
· 90+ speakers
· 70+ indie developers
· Lots of fun
· Plenty of beer (hey, you're in Prague!)
What to expect from CSC's perspective?
· Vlad will be a guest at the opening press conference.
(Press Conference - Czech Game Industry - Friday 11:00 - 11:30, IT Trendy Hall)
· Catch him at a panel discussion on the audiovisual law we helped draft.
(Panel Discussion - Public Funding For Videogames Industry - Friday 11:30 - 12:20, IT Trendy Hall)
· Don’t miss the Pitch Arena, where indie developers showcase their games. Powered by Damian and CSC Team!
(GDS Prague Pitch Arena - Saturday 11:30 - 12:20, Summit Hall)
· Mikolas will be hosting opening ceremony and entire event on the main stage!
Let us know if you'd like to meet up!
See you at the Prague Congress Centre!
